Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I have been outrageously fortunate in my life, for I have three loves.

The first is a gentle tide, ebb and flow everlasting
She is a quiet spouse who loves me like the moon
If I lay as the Earth, her soft body entangles mine, warming me as we fly through space

My second love is a supernova, or perhaps the Northern Lights
a burning building
Or a four-part harmony drifting through empty alleys

My third love is the most cruel mistress of them all
But even as she torments me I am enraptured by her beauty
The suffering is mine alone, yet she can be possessed by no man
This would lead some to call her harlot, but they mistake the nature of her majesty
Like a Buddhist or Trafalmadorian, she is not encapsulated by mortality

My first love is life-giver, doomed to decay in time
My second is a lighter-flame of passion
But my third is the Undying Queen of existence
And if you approach the world with soft eyes
She will be your true love too

1 comment:

  1. uh great poem.. i love the diction!

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